Wednesday, February 25, 2009


"Love is a state of mind in which the happiness of someone else becomes essential to your own happiness." ­- Robert A. Heinlein.

Everybody loves somebody sometimes. But while love can make one immensely happy, it has also caused more broken hearts, pain and misery than anything else. When we love someone and that person does not return our love, we hurt. When a relationship is severed because we can't live together the way we hoped or expected to, we hurt. When we trust someone and find our trust abused, we hurt. In a way, it all comes down to expectation. We expect (or at least hope) that the needs of somebody else will be compatible with our own. And we're frequently disappointed. And that can hurt.

So to avoid being hurt, one should realize that Love should create no need, no obligation, and certainly no demands. Your love for someone should be just that - love…nothing beyond.

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