Non-violence and Ahimsa, the Gandhian principles has become the most wanted mantra of the year. The thirst for power has led to many frontier wars and has caused destruction to life and property. Earlier the Nazis regime under Hitler saw the concept of Genocide blooming. Now the racist discrimination of Tamils in Srilanka has caught the attention of World affairs. The ethnic violence Web in Srilanka that has reached new heights is not only confrontation between the LTTE and Srilanka government but of the Tamil civilians. Millions of Tamilians are living in hell fearing for life and are also entangled in never ending hell trap. The ethnic violence shell has erupted as Volcano causing disaster to the whole race.
Thus, the sense of brotherhood and humanity has lost in racist thought and the quest for human life and power has cost human lives. So, we can make each and every point of life Happy and make others Happy by very small sacrifices.”The only excuse for war is that we may live in peace unharmed” goes the quotation of Marcus Tullius Cicero but the avarice for human blood is never ending. Death is unpredictable, so live life as it is