Tuesday, March 24, 2009


God gave life to nature. Each and every birth of life springs happiness to all- a sapling growth, blooming of flower, sight of stars, sun rise in early morning, rain droplets and so on. Each and every thing in nature brings joy within ourselves, but why not the birth of girl child. Child is a boon of god and only some are blessed with it, then why abortion and female foeticide if results turns out to be a girl. Girl child is a form of Goddess Lakshmi . She grows up not only to be a loving mother but loving daughter, caring wife, sister , daughter in law and so on …. She holds multiple avatars.
Girl child becomes a curse when she defames the family name by causing her parents to get distressed and dowry deaths. Womanhood is very precious, so why not maintain it. We go through newspapers that a minor girl was raped, subjected to sexual harassment and murdered for sex. The ultimate sufferer is woman. So let the eternal bless everyone with child. Let us pray to god that all crimes against women should be reduced and make our future world prosperous.

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